The game of baccarat has a Bond-dipped mystique, but it also possesses Zen-like minimalism. Players place bets on player or banker, and the side that gets closest to nine (picture cards count as zero, aces count as one) wins. It’s the simplest wager in casino gambling, and its house edge is among the lowest available: 1.06 percent on the player hand, and 1.24 percent on the banker hand.
From sticky-floor California card rooms to the tuxedo-laden tables of Monaco, baccarat’s enduring allure is tied to its rituals and Bond-dipped mystique. But the game is also a lucrative table game, thanks to its high payouts, minimal house edge, and the ability for gamblers to capitalize on winning streaks and patterns in gameplay. The key to success, experts say, lies in disciplined money management and keen observation of gameplay dynamics.
As a result, baccarat is growing at a rate unprecedented in the industry. It is now a staple at iconic casinos like Marina Bay Sands in Singapore and Las Vegas Sands properties in China and Macau. “It’s an absolute cash cow for the business,” says Bill Zender, a former Nevada gaming control agent and a casino manager who literally wrote the book on managing table games.
Moreover, the popularity of the game has also led to an increase in innovations to enhance the overall experience. At G2E 2019, AGS showcased a new second-generation progressive jackpot system, Bonus Spin Xtreme, which can connect all table games in a casino to offer a single shared jackpot—a first for the industry.
In addition to boosting player engagement and retention, this technological advancement allows baccarat operators to save on operational costs by allowing them to use pre-shuffled playing cards. Typically, eight new decks of cards must be inspected, backs and faces, by floor supervisors and dealers and then scrambled or washed before they can be introduced to the table. Pre-shuffled cards, on the other hand, can be introduced instantly without the time-consuming inspection process.
Ultimately, the best way to win at baccarat is by avoiding the tie bet—which offers tempting odds but has a higher house edge than either the player or banker bets—and betting on the banker when possible. However, there are no guarantees when it comes to maximizing winnings. The most important factor is having the patience and discipline to stick with a responsible bankroll and walk away when you’re losing. By following these simple tips, you’ll be well on your way to a successful gaming experience.